Casa vacanze ampi alloggi di Lusso e piscina. Villa sul lago di Garda.

Booking Confirmation

Confirm your booking

Check-in date is not valid.
Check-out date is not valid.

After confirming your booking, please make a transfer to the following bank account and send a receipt to or whatsapp + 39 3358099635 within a maximum of 24 hours in order to complete your booking:

C/C 10164213 – CRYSS HOUSE (Tirelli)

IBAN: IT61I 01030 57800 0000 101642 13

Remember to include this information when making the transfer

– Concept: full name

(Remember that if we don’t receive proof of the transfer within 24 hours, your chosen dates will be available to any user)

We will inform you via email once the booking is confirmed by our staff.